IRS Tax Problem Resolution Services

IRS tax problems

When you owe back taxes, it can be overwhelming, but IRS tax problems can happen to anyone. Ganeles & Associates can help to resolve your tax debt, delinquent tax problems, tax disputes and back taxes. We will provide effective tax solutions and representation for reducing tax debt, negotiating payments and removing tax disputes. With a commitment to finding a fair resolution to your IRS tax problems, we can assist with any of the following services below:

Tax Settlement Options

We can work with you to see if you qualify for any of the following tax settlement options:

  • Offer in Compromise: An agreement that enables you to settle your tax debt for less than the amount you owe.
  • Installment Agreement: An arrangement that enables you to pay off your tax debt in a set number of installments.
  • Currently Not Collectible: A situation in which the IRS or State determines your debt is not collectible and removes your account from active collection efforts (until further notice).
  • Penalty and Interest Reduction: These amounts can often be negotiated with the IRS, so we make every effort to reduce your penalty and interest amounts as much as possible.

Wage Garnishment

A wage garnishment can have serious implications for your finances and job. Ganeles & Associates can work on your behalf to reduce or stop IRS or State wage garnishment altogether. We'll help you file back tax returns and compile a financial statement so that you can become IRS compliant and put an end to your paycheck deductions.

IRS Tax Liens and Levies

If the IRS currently has a lien or levy on your business or personal property, Ganeles & Associates will help settle your tax debt in an affordable and timely manner to prevent any seizure of assets.

Back Taxes

Ganeles & Associates will review your options to file back taxes and delinquent tax returns - all in an effort to minimize penalties and tax debt. The most important first step is to get up to date and file your back tax returns. Ganeles & Associates will help you file your Back Tax Returns to get you back in compliance with the law. Once your back tax returns are filed and compliant, we will review your tax settlement options to pay off any outstanding debts.

IRS Audit Assistance

If you've received an IRS audit notice, you may be unsure what your options are. Ganeles & Associates can provide the knowledge and guidance needed to help you through the audit process. We are qualified to represent you in front of the IRS and will review and prepare your financial records to help negotiate the lowest settlement possible.

We’ll work hard to resolve your tax problems! Don’t prolong the stress and anxiety about back taxes, tax penalties and mounting interest. Request Your Consultation online now or give us a call at 831-372-3415. We look forward to speaking with you!